#GoogleAdSense and #GoogleAdX or Google Ad Exchange are Google’s monetization products for publishers. Google AdSense is considered to be one of the best monetization products which is mostly suitable for small scale publishers. To meet the needs of premium publishers, Google introduced Ad Exchange which has to be linked with Google Ad Manage.
Difference between #AdSense and #AdExchange
The two products are different than each other. They serve different purposes. Now if we want to know which one is better, AdSense or Ad Exchange, then we have get it into complications.
AdSense is suitable for small scale publishers. It provides website owners to display publish ads on the site. The network that publishes ads through Google AdSense is mainly Google own properties, such the Gmail, Google Search Engine, YouTube, etc.
Now, #AdX actually gives rights to tons of well-known media network, brand and companies, offering a real time bidding (RTB) on ad spaces. The publisher in turn will bring more reach to the website.
How to get started with #GoogleAdSense?
Google AdSense has a very low entry barrier, with very little requirements. The popularity of #AdSense is a lot due to the low barrier and is easy to set up.
68% of the revenue goes to the publisher, whereas the rest is kept by Google. The Publishers don’t have much control over the ads displayed, but they can still block competitors, sensitive content. They can also change the format of the ad. The ads mostly come from Google ads platforms.

How to get started with #GoogleAdExchange?
Google AdX is a bit complex and tricky to use. It has a higher barrier, which is manually approved by a representative from Google once all the requirements are met. AdX ads exchange is generally reserved for large scale publishers.
Google AdX allows the publisher to set floor price to the ad units and access wider range of auction biddings. Even the publishers can negotiate the percentage of the ad revenue shares. This is due to the large reach the publisher can bring to the table.
Even if you manage to get into Ad Exchange, handling it requires genuine knowledge. Mostly publishers hire an agency to manage their account, because a huge revenue depends on the advertisements.

Which one is better?
If you are a small or mid-scaled publisher and have a limited resource to spend on ad management and limited technical knowledge, then you should go for #AdSense.
If you are a publisher with a huge reach, have the resource to dedicate a third party to ad management and also the technical knowledge, then opt for Ad Exchange.
How to link #GoogleAdSense?
- Firstly, sign in to Google Analytics account.
- Go to Admin, located at the top of the page.
- In the “Account” column, select the property you want to link with your AdSense account.
- In the “Property” column, select the Analytics property you want to link and click AdSense Linking.
- Click New AdSense Link.
- Select the AdSense property you want to select.
- Press on Continue.
- Select the format you want the ads to be available.
- Click Enable Link.
- Click Done.
How to link #GoogleAd Exchange?
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Go to Admin and then to Linked Accounts, navigate to the AdSense tab and click on new Ad Exchange link.
- Enter the property code. The property code consists of the publisher ID associated with your Ad Exchange account along with the inventory type.
- A Display name, which was selected when creating Ad Exchange account.
- Enter the account verification details.
- Click Save.
Written by : Sridatta Mishra